When it comes to your personal finances, you want to be sure that you have the right people handling your money and ensuring its security. From financial services professionals who advise you on how best to invest your assets, to the companies that handle your credit card transactions and investments, this sector of industry is critical to your overall wellbeing. At Phyton Talent Advisors, we work with financial services professionals every day and understand the importance of the sector’s role in society.
A financial service is any product or service that supports the creation, storage, transmission, or exchange of money or credit. This includes the issuance of securities, such as stocks and bonds, as well as the provision of investment management and insurance. It also encompasses depository institutions, credit unions, and other credit and financing organizations. It can even include a host of other products and services, such as accounting services, credit reporting agencies, currency exchange, wire transfer services, and credit card networks and machines.
Financial services are an integral part of a country’s economy. When the sector and its related activities are strong, it can boost a nation’s overall economic health. However, when the sector falters, it can drag down a country’s economy and cause recessions.
Those who work in the industry provide the infrastructure for businesses, governments, and individuals to make the most of their wealth. This sector is composed of many different types of firms, including banks, credit unions, mortgage brokerages, insurance companies, and private equity funds. While these firms offer different products and services, they all share the same goal: to help individuals and companies grow their assets through investments.
A career in financial services can be extremely rewarding. Not only are salaries much higher than average, but the work is also incredibly interesting. With new tools being introduced into the field seemingly every day, there is always something to learn and this makes the sector an ideal place for a fast-paced and exciting professional life. In addition, many of the larger firms are known for promoting from within and prioritizing aptitude over tenure, making it easier to get ahead in your career.
Choosing the right career path is key when starting out in this field. While a bachelor’s degree is usually required for most positions, the good news is that most of the major players in this field encourage continuing education and offer on-the-job training. As a result, this is one of the few industries where you can start out with a relatively low amount of schooling and quickly move up the ladder.